e-Document engineering pilot

Using a semantic metadata registry for e-Document engineering


The latest job number given to the CoO application. This is used by the system to keep track of amendments to or cancellation of any earlier applications.

Data Element
Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Data Element
has context UBL
maximum cardinality 1
minimum cardinality 1
in object class Certificate Of Origin Application
order 4
has property http://mdr.semic.eu/id/ubl/property/OriginalJobID
representationTechnique http://purl.org/adms/representationtechnique/XMLSchema
definition The latest job number given to the CoO application. This is used by the system to keep track of amendments to or cancellation of any earlier applications.
Rights https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/ipr
Rights Holder https://www.oasis-open.org/org