e-Document engineering pilot

Using a semantic metadata registry for e-Document engineering


Indicates a classification for this Organization within some classification scheme. Extension vocabularies may wish to specialize this property to have a range corresponding to a specific `skos:ConceptScheme`. This property is under discussion and may be revised or removed - in many cases organizations are best categorized by defining a sub-class hierarchy in an extension vocabulary.

Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type ObjectProperty
type Property
label classification
domain Organization
range Concept
isDefinedBy http://www.w3.org/ns/org
comment Indicates a classification for this Organization within some classification scheme. Extension vocabularies may wish to specialize this property to have a range corresponding to a specific `skos:ConceptScheme`. This property is under discussion and may be revised or removed - in many cases organizations are best categorized by defining a sub-class hierarchy in an extension vocabulary.

Referenced by

subPropertyOf company status
subPropertyOf company activity
subPropertyOf company type