e-Document engineering pilot

Using a semantic metadata registry for e-Document engineering


Denotes a role that a Person or other Agent can take in an organization. Instances of this class describe the abstract role; to denote a specific instance of a person playing that role in a specific organization use an instance of `org:Membership`. It is common for roles to be arranged in some taxonomic structure and we use SKOS to represent that. The normal SKOS lexical properties should be used when labelling the Role. Additional descriptive properties for the Role, such as a Salary band, may be added by extension vocabularies.

Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Class
type Class
label Role
isDefinedBy http://www.w3.org/ns/org
comment Denotes a role that a Person or other Agent can take in an organization. Instances of this class describe the abstract role; to denote a specific instance of a person playing that role in a specific organization use an instance of `org:Membership`. It is common for roles to be arranged in some taxonomic structure and we use SKOS to represent that. The normal SKOS lexical properties should be used when labelling the Role. Additional descriptive properties for the Role, such as a Salary band, may be added by extension vocabularies.
subClassOf Concept
disjointWith Site
disjointWith Change Event
disjointWith Membership

Referenced by

type head
disjointWith Organization
domain remuneration
range role
domain role (property)