Using a semantic metadata registry for e-Document engineering
Associates any resource with the corresponding geometry.
type | Property |
label | geometry |
range | Geometry |
isDefinedBy | ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary |
comment | Associates any resource with the corresponding geometry. |
term_status | testing |
describedby | |
example | The following are examples of equivalent statements using different geometry encodings: - WKT (GeoSPARQL) :Resource locn:geometry "<> Point(-0.001475 51.477811)"^^ogc:WKTLiteral . - GML :Resource locn:geometry "<gml:Point srsName=''> <gml:coordinates>-0.001475, 51.477811</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>"^^ogc:GMLLiteral . - RDF+WKT (GeoSPARQL) :Resource locn:geometry [ a ogc:Point; ogc:asWKT "<> Point(-0.001475 51.477811)"^^ogc:WKTLiteral ] . - RDF+GML (GeoSPARQL) :Resource locn:geometry [ a ogc:Point; ogc:asGML "<gml:Point srsName=''> <gml:coordinates>-0.001475, 51.477811</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>"^^ogc:GMLLiteral ] . - RDF (WGS84 lat/long) :Resource locn:geometry [ a geo:Point; geo:lat "51.477811"; geo:long "-0.001475" ] . - RDF ( :Resource locn:geometry [ a schema:GeoCoordinates; schema:latitude "51.477811"; schema:longitude "-0.001475" ] . - geo URI :Resource locn:geometry <geo:51.477811,-0.001475;u=0;crs=wgs84> . - GeoHash URI :Resource locn:geometry <> . |
usageNote | Depending on how a geometry is encoded, the range of this property may be one of the following: - a literal (e.g., WKT - string literal -, GML, KML - XML literal) - a geometry class, as those defined in the OGC's GeoSPARQL specification, in the W3C's Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) vocabulary, and at; - geocoded URIs, as geo or GeoHash URIs, treated as URI references. For interoperability reasons, it is recommended using one of the following: - Any geometry: - WKT, GML, and RDF+WKT/GML, as per the GeoSPARQL specification. - KML (Keyhole Markup Language) - note that KML supports the following geometries only: point, line string, linear ring, and polygon. - RDF as per the vocabulary (see classes schema:GeoCoordinates and schema:GeoShape). - Points: one of the above, or: - RDF as per the W3C Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) vocabulary. - GeoHash URIs. - geo URIs. |
Identifier | locn:geometry |
has URI | geometry |