e-Document engineering pilot

Using a semantic metadata registry for e-Document engineering

Core Location

The Location Core Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing any place in terms of its name, addrress or geometry. The vocabulary is specifically designed to aid the publication of data that is interoperable with EU INSPIRE Directive. It is closely integrated with the Business and Person Core Vocabularies.

Raw data
HTML | RDF/XML | Turtle


type Context
label Core Location
comment The Location Core Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing any place in terms of its name, addrress or geometry. The vocabulary is specifically designed to aid the publication of data that is interoperable with EU INSPIRE Directive. It is closely integrated with the Business and Person Core Vocabularies.
Rights https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/category/licence/isa-open-metadata-licence-v11
Rights Holder http://ec.europa.eu/

Referenced by

has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressPostCode
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressPostName
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/LocationGeometry
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressLocatorName
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressAdminUnitL2
has context Address
has context Geometry
has context Location
has context address
has context address area
has context address ID
has context admin unit level 1
has context admin unit level 2
has context full address
has context geographic name
has context geometry
has context location
has context locator designator
has context locator name
has context po box
has context post code
has context post name
has context thoroughfare
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressAddressArea
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressThoroughfare
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressPoBox
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressAddressId
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressAdminUnitL1
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressFullAddress
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/LocationGeographicName
has context http://mdr.semic.eu/id/core-location/element/AddressLocatorDesignator